CSP – The Elite African Philosophy Circle

The CSP is the Conversational School of Philosophy. It is the Conversational Society of Philosophy. It is a forum for African philosophers, for specialists in the fields of African philosophy, African intellectual history and African studies who are interested in the Method of Conversational Thinking as an approach of choice in their research.

Distinguished Academic Lecture Series (DALS)

Conversational School of Philosophy annually hosts a distinguished lecture by an eminent African philosophy scholar.

Monthly Scholarly Gathering (MSG)

The MSG, a monthly CSP forum, features presentations and discussions on chosen themes. Members read 500-word submissions, followed by moderated conversations. Discussions are published biannually as the CSP bulletin.

Africa’s Intellectual History Day (AIHD)

AIHD marks special days in Africa’s intellectual history, celebrating notable figures and events like Martin Luther King Jr., Bob Marley, Human Rights Day, and World Philosophy Day.

Reading Meetings

CSP hosts reading and discussion meetings on social media to update members with new ideas. Reading material is shared weekly and discussed at week's end.

Emerging Ideas in Conversational Philosophy Conference (EICC):

Every two years, CSP holds a scholarly conference for members and scholars to present new research in Conversational Philosophy, with reviewed papers published as proceedings.

Our transportation

Transportation service ensures a smooth and on time border crossing of shipments.


Philanthropists, governments and donor organisations are invited to partner with the CSP in sponsoring its biennial awards/prizes. For inquiry, please contact: info@cspafrica.org.

The CSP will be giving the following awards biennially to deserving African Thinkers and Scholars:

Innocent Asouzu prize for ground-breaking work in African philosophy (GWAP) (books, $2000)
Innocent Onyewuenyi prize for outstanding research on Africa’s intellectual history (ORAIH) (books, $2000)
Campbell Momoh prize for outstanding research on African logic (ORAL) (articles, $1000)
Ifeanyi Menkiti prize for radical idea in African philosophy (RIAP) (articles, $1000)
Sophie Oluwole prize for outstanding female African philosopher (OFAP) (Books, $2000 and Articles, $1000)

Our process

Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions.

ISSN: 2276-8386 (Print) E-ISSN: 2408-5987 (Online)

Coordinator of Podcasts

Victor C. A. Nweke

Department of Philosophy, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Patrick Effiong Ben

Assistant Secretary

Mirian N. Alike

Get in touch with us

There are two types of membership. Full membership and student membership. Every new or renewed annual membership dues is $15.


To join the CSP as a member, kindly email an application to admin@cspafrica.org indicating your interest, what you want from the CSP and what you can offer the CSP.


Then wait patiently for a reply as this process can take up to one year. When you receive a reply that your application is successful, you will be guided to fill the form on this page and sign up for CSP membership. Thank you.

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