Editorial Board (General)

  • Prof. Jonathan O. Chimakonam, University of Pretoria, Editor-in- Chief
  • Dr. Pius M. Mosima University of Bamenda, Cameroon Assoc. Editor (French)
  • Dr. Idom T. Inyabri, University of Calabar, Assoc. Editor (English)
  • Dr. Ada Agada, The CSP, Copy Editor I
  • Dr. Aribiah Attoe, Wits University, Copy Editor II
  • Dr. Bernard Matolino, University of Pretoria, Member
  • Dr. L. Uchenna Ogbonnaya, The CSP, Member
  • Dr. Segun T Samuel, University of Johannesburg, Member

Editorial Consultants

  • Professor Innocent Asouzu, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Professor Oladele Balogun, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria
  • Professor Apollos Nwauwa, Bowling Green State University, USA
  • Professor Olatunji Oyeshile, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Professor Bruce Janz, University of Central Florida, USA
  • Professor Uduma O. Uduma, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria
  • Professor Fainos Mangena, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • Professor Louise du’ Toit, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Professor Dorothy Oluwagbemi-Jacob, University of Calabar, Nigeria

Now accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training

(DoHET), Republic of South Africa


Note to Contributors:

General Information: Filosofia Theoretica Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions is dedicated to the promotion of conversational orientation and publication of astute academic research in African Philosophy and Thought. The articles submitted to Filosofia Theoretica must be presented in defensive and conversational style. The journal has a vision to put Africa and African intellectuals on the global map. However, this does not imply that non-Africans cannot submit articles for consideration insofar as the title falls within the focus of the journal.

Submission Requirements:

All manuscripts must be original (hence, not under consideration anywhere) and submitted to the editor in MS word format via the submission link or e-mail: submission@cspafrica.org. The entire work can range from 2000 to 6000 words maximum excluding citations with a concise title and a 150 word abstract. Authors are not to place page numbers or paper title (on each page) on the manuscript; we no longer accept endnotes but footnotes may be used in the CSP Style Guide. Articles (or parts of articles) in languages other than English will no longer be considered. All submissions must list the author’s current affiliation and contact points (location, e-mail address, etc.). In regards to style the Conversational School of Philosophy Documentation Style which is downloadable from the journal’s site is the only acceptable reference style. Camera ready manuscripts will receive first preference in the publishing cycle. Any manuscript not well proof-read will not be considered for review. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed and those considered acceptable by the editors will be published after recommended corrections free of any charges as quality and originality are the ONLY conditions for publishing essays in this journal.


FILOSOFIA THEORETICA was founded by Jonathan O. Chimakonam in May 2010 and the aim is to make it a world class academic journal with a global brand that would thrive on standard, quality and originality, promoting and sustaining conversational orientation in African Philosophy. It is published quarterly with maximum of ten (10) articles including book review on each volume in both print and online editions with separate ISSN. The Online version is published by Ajol, South Africa.

Review Process:

Generally, Editors should be able to reach a decision including recommending corrections if any or acceptance/rejection of any paper within three months of receipt which is communicated to the author subsequently. Authors are therefore advised to avoid needless correspondences. Also, Editors are not committed to the views expressed in articles. Contributors may receive one copy of the journal free of charge but additional copies may be obtained at the normal price. Copyright to articles published in the journal shall remain vested with the journal. All correspondences including copyright and sponsorship to the Editor via: editor@cspafrica.org Visit us at: http://www.cspafrica.org. For subscription visit  https://journals.co.za/content/journal/filosofia

Download The CSP Style Guide

Indexing Information:

Filosofia Theoretica is abstracted/indexed in SCOPUS, EBSCO Humanities Source, Scimago, Philosopher’s Index, AJOL, Google Scholar, OCLC Worldcat, Archive.org, Scribd, SABINET, The African Journal Archive (AJA), African Digital Repository, Academia.edu, AfricaBib, Stanford.edu, EBSCO Database, Black Studies Center Index, Ovid, ProQuest, JournalTOCs, etc.

Editor’s Contact:

The Conversational School of Philosophy (CSP)

University of Calabar, Box 3684 Unical Post Office, Calabar

Cross River State, Nigeria


The Conversational School of Philosophy (CSP)

116 Lunnon Street

Hilcrest, Hatfield, Pretoria

Gauteng, South Africa


Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy is a publication of the Conversational School of Philosophy. It publishes quarterly: January-April, May-August and September-December.