A Collaboration of

The Conversational Society of Philosophy (CSP)
Thinking Africa (Department of Philosophy, University of Pretoria).


Thinking Africa: Glocal Solutions to Glocal Problems

Venue: Future Africa Campus, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Dates: August 26-28, 2020

Call for Abstracts:

The Conversational School of Philosophy (CSP), in collaboration with Thinking Africa, invites scholars to submit abstracts (200 words max) for consideration. Priority will be given to submissions that comply with the eight postulates of the conversational method.[1]

Conversational Philosophy (CP) is a philosophic tradition that promotes conversational thinking. It aims at questioning orthodoxy, unveiling new concepts, opening new vistas for thought and promoting the global expansion of thought.  Papers to be presented on the theme and sub-themes of the 1st edition of EICT-2020 must propose new ideas, reflectling an African perspective to knowledge, in line with the eight postulates of CP.We encourage submissions on any of the following sub-themes:

Inequality; poverty; migration; Afrophobia; femicide; rape; infanticide; climate change; suicide; Othering; racism; borders, disability; gender; epistemic marginalisation/injustice; philosophical counselling; ignorance; Afro-communitarianismpersonhood; decoloniality;decolonial curriculum studies; Albinism;theory of the human minimum; relational ethics; Ezumezu logicharmonious monismIbuanyidanda philosophy/logicconsolationismUbuntu Ontology; Uwa ontologydeliberative epistemologytheories of truth in a post-truth worldcomplementary epistemologyexplanatory models in African philosophy of science; intercultural exchanges; AI and the future of Africa.

[1] The method of Conversational philosophy (CP) as a philosophic tradition is called Conversational Thinking (CT). Research produced using this method complies with eight postulates, some of which are general to the philosophical method per se while others are specific to CP. Research produced in line with CP as method 1) inaugurates a new idea which is, 2) presented with great clarity while 3) acknowledging similar existing ideas and distinguishing the ‘new’ from the existing ones 4) and there has to be a bold claim about the inadequacy of existing ideas in literature which makes  the new ideas being inaugurated relevant and desirable. The claim 5) has to be logically justified using a prototype of three-valued system that admits of truth-glut. Being representative of the liberal arts, the argument must 6) be presented with artistic flair, 7) and in a conversational style i.e. a critical engagement between epistemic agents that addresses a problematique which can be generational or transgenerational 8) and in which arguments presented must be context sensitive.


Submit your abstract to conference@cspafrica.org.  Timeline: Submission Deadline, February 28, 2020; Notification of Acceptance, March 20, 2020.

Publication of proceedings:

  • One special issue in an accredited journal would be dedicated to selected papers.
  • In addition, two edited anthologies will be published under the Thinking Africa imprint (UKZN Press).

Conference Registration Fees:

  • Africa-based students $50;
  • outside  Africa-based students $100.
  • Africa-based academics $100;
  • outside Africa-based academics $150;

Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. Achille Mbembe, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, Confirmed.
  • Prof. Robert Bernasconi, The Pennsylvania State University, USA, Confirmed.
  • Prof. Obioma Nnaemeka, Indiana University, USA, Confirmed.
  • Dist. Prof. Thaddeus Metz, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Confirmed.


The conference will be a plenary event in that all presentations will take place in one hall. Acceptance to present a paper at the conference is conditioned on attendance of all sessisons and that a final, reworked paper will be submitted for publication considerations. There will not be parallel sessions.

We are also pleased to announce the creation of a number of Awards –

  1. Ground-breaking work in African Philosophy and Studies (monographs)
  2. Outstanding female African Thinker award (monographs and articles)
  3. Outstanding research on Africa’s intellectual history (monographs)
  4. Outstanding research on African logic and critical thinking (articles and monographs)
  5. Radical idea in African philosophy (articles)

These awards will be presented every two years to recognise and celebrate research excellence in African philosophy and studies. The first round of awards  will consider peer-reviewed research published between January 2018 and December 2019. Submissions should be made to awards@cspafrica.org by simply emailing the pdf of your work on or before midnight, April 30, 2020. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered by the award panel. Authors may submit to multiple categories. Submission email must have a subject, affiliation/address, email and phone contacts of the author.

Cultural Event:

A cultural event will be organised for the 29th of August 2020. It would most likely be a trip to Marupeng or City tours. Details will be made available closer to the time.

For more information on the Conversational Society of Philosophy (CSP) visit https://cspafrica.org/ and for more information on the Thinking Africa imprint visit https://www.up.ac.za/philosophy/article/2542674/thinking-africa-series

Dr. Jonathan O. Chimakonam, Department of Philosophy, University of Pretoria                                 

President: The Conversational Society of Philosophy (CSP)     

For Inquiries, contact:     admin@cspafrica.org

Prof. Leonhard Praeg, HoD, Department of Philosophy, University of Pretoria

Editor: Thinking Africa Imprint (UKZN Press)